What Is Digital Marketing? A Guide to Marketing in Today's Digital World

Digital marketing is the new trend in the marketing industry which has connected the consumer with the seller through the help of various digital technologies, which has benefited both the categories either ways. In simple words digital marketing is the marketing of various goods and services with the help of various digital technologies which we use in our daily lives on the Internet network and it includes all the mediums such as mobile phones, display advertising tablets etc. Earlier traditional methods were used for marketing of the services such as going door to door or distributing pamphlets to make people understand about your services which proved to be unsuccessful later and that is why digital marketing was introduced so that such failures never occur again.

Basically digital marketing emerged completely as a flourishing medium of marketing products and services since the 1900s and 2000s hence changing the way business brands use technology for marketing purpose. As we are very much familiar with the fact that the use of gadgets and digital platforms are increasing day by day and how people are mostly engaged with the use of digital mediums in order to look out for a product rather than visiting physical shops therefore all the digital platforms are integrated into marketing plans which has made the campaigns much more efficient and prevalent.

There are various methods involved in the practise of digital marketing such as search engine optimization(SEO), search engine marketing(SEM), social media marketing(SMM), social media optimization(SMO), content marketing, influencer marketing, campaign marketing, e-commerce marketing, affiliate marketing, SMS marketing and e-mail marketing. Digital marketing approaches both internet and non-internet platforms such as SMS and MMS, call-back, on hold mobile ring tones etc. The digital marketing basically emerged sophisticatedly in late 2000s and 2010s when the escalation of gadgets which were capable of accessing digital media increased rapidly.

Now the next challenge was to engage more and more customers in your services. In order to overcome this challenge the retailers must shift to a completely new approach so that they can exchange model of benefit-sharing between provider and consumer and could flourish in the industry. As the people were engaging themselves more on social media platforms what else platforms could have been better than these platforms only, so the retailers started spreading information and awareness of their services on various channels such as YouTube, BlogSpot, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr and a numerous of other platforms also which covered a larger audience rather than any other method. Such platforms allow individuals to explore their creativity and create relevant content to publish it worldwide through which they can share their opinions, pros and cons and other necessary details of the products and services they are offering to everyone on that particular platform. Earlier were the days when people use to visit a particular shop in order to look out for the product or the services they want but now the matter is completely different, the consumers research online and then move further to any conclusion which proves that whatever is published on the internet regarding your products and services matters a lot to its reputation which has helped in the digital marketing industry to flourish all over.

Types of Digital Marketing:


Search engine optimization refers to the increasing emergence of your services in organic search engine results. Search engine result page which is also known as SERPs shows the user results using a search engine such as Google or Yahoo after a set of keywords is introduced to it, further according to those keywords whatsoever services are displayed in the search results according to their ranking. The results displayed to every individual is not the same as it varies according to various factors such as specified keywords, location of the user at the time of searching and the browsing history.

The organic results shown are ranked on the basis of different algorithms of the search engine on which the user is searching. Nowadays the frequently used search engine is Google which follows a particular set of algorithms according to which the ranking of the services are displayed.

There are mainly two methods through which the specified keywords are linked to your website internally and externally and they are On-page optimization which refers to the activities you perform on your website in order to increase it’s ranking and Off-page optimization which refers to the activities performed outside of your website and create backlinks to make a relationship between the website and the user.


Under on-page optimization, activities are performed on the website to make it approachable to the user. There are various factors which are analyzed on the website such as title tag, meta description, meta tags, body tags, URL structure, keyword density, internal linking, content of page.

The title tag is displayed as the clickable headline for the result in search engines and is a very essential part of any website for SEO. The title tag should be an accurate and effective description of the content of the page. The title tag should be of the right format and under 50-60 characters or 600 pixels.

The Meta description must contain relative keywords for the content and is further used by search engines when the result is displayed.

The Meta tags contain a set of keywords according to which the website is ranked in the search engine accordingly.

The body tags are the content of your website which should be relevant to the services provided by the website which makes it easier for the people to relate and read.

The URL structure is very important for the site. It speaks a lot about any website as it shows the ladder of the information on the page. The keyword density refers to the amount of keywords that should be present in the content of the page. One must keep in mind that an accurate amount of keywords must be placed in the content. It should neither be less nor be more than required.

Internal linking refers to the links which are placed on other webpages that creates a path between the user and the website. Internal linking is the base of search engine optimization as through this method only the site reaches to a larger group of people and helps the website to get properly crawled so that the search engine could find all the pages. There are two types of links and they are “do follow” and “no follow” backlinks. The do follow links passes link juice whereas no follow links doesn’t.

The last factor is the content of the page which is the most useful as is directly seen by the user and plays an important role in the ranking of the website.


Under off-page optimization, activities are used for interlinking of websites and connecting the user to the site. There are various activities performed under off page optimization such as blogging, blog commenting, forum marketing, directory submission, social bookmarking, photo sharing, video making, business listing, article submission, answering questions and making classifieds.

Blogging is one of the most effective activities and it helps engines to crawl the site at frequent intervals in order to update the latest blogs therefore the blogs must be written in a very nice manner and the content of the blog must be of good quality which will automatically result in high ranking of the website.

Blog commenting refers to when you comment on the blogs of other people and place a link to your website in their comment section which is later crawled by the search engines. In most of the cases we only get do-follow backlinks through this activity.

Forum marketing is when the user creates or replies to a particular thread on the forum websites and also answers people's questions and can maybe also give advice for the same through which their site could be promoted.

Directory submission is the submission of your own website on other submission sites. Through directory submission your site information is stored in the directory of the search engine.

Social bookmarking is the submission of your pages and posts on various renowned bookmarking sites such as Reddit, Mix etc. as such sites update their data routinely hence are crawled by the search engines at a very good rate.

Under on-page optimization, activities are performed on the website to make it approachable to the user. There are various factors which are analyzed on the website such as title tag, meta description, meta tags, body tags, URL structure, keyword density, internal linking, content of page.

The title tag is displayed as the clickable headline for the result in search engines and is a very essential part of any website for SEO. The title tag should be an accurate and effective description of the content of the page. The title tag should be of the right format and under 50-60 characters or 600 pixels.

The Meta description must contain relative keywords for the content and is further used by search engines when the result is displayed.

The Meta tags contain a set of keywords according to which the website is ranked in the search engine accordingly.

The body tags are the content of your website which should be relevant to the services provided by the website which makes it easier for the people to relate and read.

The URL structure is very important for the site. It speaks a lot about any website as it shows the ladder of the information on the page. The keyword density refers to the amount of keywords that should be present in the content of the page. One must keep in mind that an accurate amount of keywords must be placed in the content. It should neither be less nor be more than required.

Internal linking refers to the links which are placed on other webpages that creates a path between the user and the website. Internal linking is the base of search engine optimization as through this method only the site reaches to a larger group of people and helps the website to get properly crawled so that the search engine could find all the pages. There are two types of links and they are “do follow” and “no follow” backlinks. The do follow links passes link juice whereas no follow links doesn’t.

The last factor is the content of the page which is the most useful as is directly seen by the user and plays an important role in the ranking of the website.


Search engine marketing refers to the paid traffic obtained by the search engines under which the marketer purchases a space for their advertisements on the search engine ranking page which brings maximum traffic to the website. There are various platforms to do the same and one such platform is Google AdWords through which a space could be bought for creating advertisements for which the marketer has to pay a certain amount.

On the other hand Pay per click advertisement is when the company is charged for every click they get on their website’s advertisement. Both of these methods have been adapted in recent times and have helped people to fetch maximum traffic to their corresponding websites.


Social media marketing is the marketing of the services of a particular website on the social media platforms. Social media is the best platform to connect with people and to get valuable audience for your products and services which gives you accurate feedback of your services and as social media is used by most of the individuals it enrols a lot of consumers to the services of your website. The content posted on social media could be of any type such as text, image, video etc. and while posting the content one must keep in mind that the content should be relevant and it should be high quality as well.


Content marketing is the most effective and efficient way of marketing. It is very rightly said that content is the king because if the content provided to the users is of high quality then it will help in enhancing the reputation of the website as well as it will attract a lot of traffic to the website but also if the content provided is of low quality then it can result in a major downfall to the website. The content must not only be written in order to increase sales but also to educate the consumer with some good piece of information which helps in recognising the brand and building trust between consumer and the retailer.


Influencer marketing is the latest technique used for marketing. Influencer marketing is used on social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat in which people who have large number of followers are paid to promote your services or products by posting one or two pictures with it which help in engagement of a much larger audience as unique views and also it covers a large amount on people so that you can reach out to as much vast area as you can. It can give you new followers and meaningful consumers.


Affiliate marketing is to pay other websites for conversions for your website in which the cost is determined for the marketing product and you only need to pay for the conversion. Mostly this method is used by bloggers or e-commerce websites to earn maximum profit. Also through affiliate marketing you can reach your favourable audience which will bring traffic to your site.


Email marketing is sending a message to an individual or a group of people which are targeted according to the requirements of the retailer through emails so that whatever traffic comes to the website is somehow related to the services which converts that traffic into consumers. It involves email regarding the promotion of your services, any new offering regarding your services etc. and is further sent to the people to build a relationship between the brand and the consumer.

Digital marketing is on its peak nowadays and has helped a lot of individuals to grow their business. One must always keep in mind while promoting their services that marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make; it is art of creating genuine customer value.